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Image by Federico Respini

Discover Inner Stillness & Vitality

Coaching  |  Yoga  |  Meipadam & Karlakattai
Welcome to Our Site

Welcome, welcome!  We're so glad you found us. This site is unlike any other...


You're invited on a journey to truly experience vibrant inner stillness, not merely to read about it here.

Hidden within our website are five practices to facilitate this journey.

Discover them, practice them in the order given, exactly as instructed.

One practice per day, repeat each for at least three times.


The practices are:

  1. Sukha Pranayama

  2. Find Your Whole Self

  3. Yogi Jagi

  4. Brahma Mudra

  5. The Secret Is...

P.S. Please, please, please!!! Resist the temptation to skip ahead to the last one. Impatience could spoil the process. Even if you find it, don't peek! Trust the process and close your eyes.


After completing all five practices, we'd love to hear about your experience. Feel free to share with us using one of the contact options provided in the 'Contact' section. Use the following questions to guide your self-observation:

  • What was your first impulse about approaching these practices?

  • What did you end up doing?

  • What was your overall experience with these practices? What did you learn from them?


Now, are you ready to begin the journey? Hint: You can find the first practice on 'Yoga' page.

Click the 'Ready, Go!' button below and let's get started!

At Stillness Does, we believe that vibrant inner stillness is the key to freedom, a simple harmonious existence, and effortless high performance.

Our mission is to guide and empower individuals to cultivate this powerful state of being and seamlessly integrate it into all aspects of their lives.


To cultivate inner stillness, vitality, freedom, and wellbeing at all levels of existence, we teach Yoga, Meipadam, and Karlakattai. For individuals driven by ambitious aspirations and eager to unlock their full potential, we offer personalised coaching to help them dissolve the obstacles hindering effortless high performance.


“We must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.”

Indira Gandhi

Vibrant Inner Stillness

Inner stillness, the quiet gap in the stream of thinking, is the key to fully experiencing the present moment. It is a powerful state of being that allows us to break free from the chaotic chatter of the mind and regain control over the random thoughts arising.

Vibrancy and aliveness in nature
Vibrancy & Aliveness

Inner stillness is not merely a stagnant or lifeless inner peace, but is infused with alertness, aliveness, and vitality, radiating energy and positivity outwardly.

Freedom and the power to create
Freedom & Power to Create

In this state of inner peace, a deeper knowing arises, and we are delighted in the freshness of our thoughts, words, and skilful actions. Creativity and inspiration flow freely, unaffected by past echoes or future anxieties, as well as likes or dislikes.

Harmonious existence and balance
Harmonious Existence

As vibrant inner stillness becomes a constant presence in our daily lives, clarity and ease permeate our existence. Gaining clarity on what truly matters and directing all our energies in that direction leads to simplicity and harmonious existence.

One way to experience vibrant inner stillness and fully inhabit your whole self is Find Your Whole Self technique.


Stand up straight but relaxed, feet together, and place your palms together in front of your chest in Namaskar Mudra. Close your eyes gently. This is called Pranamasana.

  • Start by finding your feet: bring your attention down to your feet and sense the aliveness within them. Feel the connection between your feet and with the ground. Take about 30 seconds to really feel it.

  • Next, shift your awareness to your palms: feel the aliveness within them, how they connect with each other and with your chest. Spend another 30 seconds here.

  • Now, find your head: notice any tension or relaxation there. Go inward and feel the space inside your head for about 30 seconds.

  • Finally, find your lower belly, take three deep slow breaths initiating both inhalation and exhalation from this place. Keep your feet, palms, and head into your awareness while breathing in and out. Feel your whole self. Make no noise in the nostrils or the throat.


Now, return to whatever you were doing before, but carry this sense of inner stillness, silence, and unity with you.

Our Services

Our teachings, practices, mentoring, and coaching are centered around cultivating vibrant inner stillness and wholistic well-being. This journey leads to freedom, a simple harmonious existence, and effortless high performance, empowering the practitioners to become powerful creators capable of realizing their highest aspirations.

Yoga online
Online Group Classes

Experience the convenience of practicing Yoga, Meipadam, and Karlakattai from anywhere with our regular online classes.

Introduction to Meipadam

We provide both in-person and online courses. Certain introductory courses serve as prerequisites for participating in our regular online group classes.


We offer exclusive personal mentorship and professional mentorship programs in Yoga, Meipadam, or Karlakattai.


Our mentorship is limited to a select few, ensuring dedicated attention to their journey.

Coaching for high performance and great achievements
Individual Coaching

For individuals driven by ambitious aspirations and eager to unlock their full potential, we offer individual coaching programs.


Our flagship coaching program, '3 Month Creator Mindset', empowers individuals to cultivate a creator mindset by overcoming obstacles to total commitment and effortless high performance.

Get in touch with us

Want to work or collaborate with us? Fill out the form and let's create something awesome together!

+40 741 076415

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